We finally got the new kitchen cabinet hardware installed. There weren't any knobs or handles before, so I got the fun job of measuring and making templates and drilling holes. A few hours later, the job was done, and I think well worth the effort. We couldn't afford true Craftsman style hardware, but we found these on eBay from Bella Living Home Decor (their actual site is much easier to use than their eBay site). The knobs and pulls were less than $2 each, and we did the whole kitchen plus extras for around $60! The knobs are square, although it's hard to tell in the photos. Craftsman-esqe, perhaps.
We haven't done much else to the house, other than finally hemming the curtains. Okay, so I cheated and just washed them, and they shrunk so now they are the perfect length. Hooray for IKEA and cotton fabric!
The rain's been nice the last few days, and it's nice not to have to come home and work in the sauna that has been our yard (and everyone else's lately) while temps went over 100 for something like 9 days straight. The temperature has cooled off and we like the fact that, while the grass hasn't really grown back, at least the parts that are still alive aren't crunchy anymore.