17 February 2009

nursery pics

Here are some photos of the nursery with the cribs sort of put together. We still don't have mattresses yet, and we've gotten a rug that isn't put together yet (look here and you'll see what I mean).

Brandon's been busy staining quarter round molding for the nursery and hallway, and painting the hallway molding, which he recently attached to the wall. Hope to have photos of that soon...the hallway trim has been unattached and leaning in place since right after we moved in!

We also have been busy cleaning up the yard a bit and FINALLY finished painting the rocking chairs on the front porch. Brandon's sister and aunts are throwing a baby shower for me on Saturday, and we volunteered our house since she lives in NC, so we've had lots of projects to finish. B is seriously ready for a weekend OFF to be lazy :)

04 February 2009

new blogging gig

Okay, so as if I didn't have enough to do with getting for the twins, work, blogs, etc...I am now blogging for Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine once a week! Many thanks to Marsha for moving me along this path :)

New ultrasound pics should be coming soon (we have a doctor's appt. this Friday and get an ultrasound every month!) on my personal baby blog. For the web address, just check the links on the right...look for BabyDIY.