We did go to Home Depot last night and take advantage of their Behr paint "sale" and get a couple of ceiling fans, though. (Sale meaning you send in a rebate form and in 3 months or so you get a check back for 25% of what you spent.) The fans were 20% off through yesterday, so we lucked out on that, and got the fan we'd picked out last time. We fell in love with another one last night, but fortunately for our budget it was too large for the house! We picked out paint for the living room, hall, kitchen, and bedroom. And got a $1 can of exterior oops! paint for the front door (dark sagey foresty green).
Here's the ceiling fan we got for our living room:
Unfortunately, we didn't fall in love with a more affordable light fixture for the dining room. At $279, I hope we get a lot of Home Depot gift cards for Christmas this year...