02 September 2010

lena's table

Although we love our mid-century modern dining table and chairs, we've decided that we might be better off selling the set.  We're not sure its delicate lines will survive a toddler seated on either side of it, although there is a theory that mac and cheese work as a preservative when rubbed into the cracks of old wood. 

A search for a new table and chairs began, long before our new experiment in frugality began.  We couldn't find anything we liked in a Mission or Craftsman style that we liked, or that we could afford.  Everything on Craigslist was "New!" and that just wasn't what we wanted.  So I queried my cousins and sisters..."Anyone remember Grandmother's old oak table?  The round one?  Do you know what happened to it after she died?"  Everyone remembered it, but no one seemed to remember its fate.  Someone thought someone else had gotten it, but no one knew for sure.  Until I mentioned it to my sister Kathy, who said that Grandmother gave the table to her, but she didn't have room for it, so she left it at Grandmother's house, where my brother and his family now live.

I immediately sent a lengthy email to my brother asking about the table's whereabouts and if we could possibly borrow it if they weren't using it.  Days passed, and the response finally came.  The email contained just two letters:  "o k"  Hooray!  A few months passed as he tried to actually locate the table in the storage shed and forge a path to carry it out.  Word came..."it's in pretty bad shape"..."it's missing all the veneer"..."are you sure you want this thing?"  We worried but continued to assure everyone that we did indeed want the old table.

Finally, nephew Henry went for a visit and managed a few photos of the table (see below).  Mom and Dad drove up last week and delivered it!  Brandon's been working on it steadily since it arrived, and it's just awaiting a coat of tung oil before it's ready to move into the house.  You'll have to wait to see what it looks like now that Brandon's done some work on it!


jujubee said...

Beautiful! I also inherited my grandmother's table and despite the nicks and dings the years have given it I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Nolan said...

It really is a beautiful table. The veneer was in pretty bad shape around the edges, especially on one side. But it's mostly intact and Brandon's been gluing the layers back down. There's also a leaf that fits in the middle, although the two original leaves seem to be long gone (we have hope that they are buried somewhere in the same storage shed!). The leaf that came with it is actually three small boards attached together, and was apparently used as a shelf in the utility room to hold foods that she'd canned. So it was covered in stains and rings. You will not believe how good it looks now! Will post more photos as soon as I can.