17 January 2011

snowpocalypse 2011 (aka atlantartica/snowmaggedon)

Although colder weather seems to have returned today, yesterday was a glorious and sunny warm (50 degrees!) day here in Atlanta.  I love my family, but six days snowed in with toddlers and husband was a bit much.  (More about our storm prep and photos of our yard coming soon.)

Emerson handed me a book yesterday and opened it to page 98. The book was "Yesterday's Atlanta" by Franklin M. Garrett (an autographed copy, no less) and the page had a photo of the Ice Storm of February 1905. Appropriate, no?

And I think the quote on the page nailed it: "The Ice Storm of February 1905 stopped the city dead in its tracks. Trolleys were out of business, schools closed, telegraph and telephone lines broke, trees twisted, trains and mails delayed. Suffering and inconvenience stalked the streets. Here is a view of Piedmont Avenue, between Pine Street and North Ave., then all residential." (By residential, they mean ALL TREES!)

On a side note, I told Emerson the book was about Atlanta, which is where we live. So now when you ask her where we live, she says, "Lanta!" She says that Nana, however, lives in a "hole" which I think is supposed to mean "home," so we're trying to convince her to say "mountains" instead.

Photos of Atlanta's past snowstorms can be found here, including a photo of the 1905 storm.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I loved the photos of the snow - especially the one of the couple on the swing! It rained here today (was 36º today) and it is supposed to snow tonight. Guess what's going to freeze before we get the snow? Yep. The rain puddles. It ought to be fun going to work tomorrow!