This is a photo of the attic with the existing insulation. It was the blow-in kind, and once upon a time was probably fairly sufficient. Over the years, though, it looks like it has gotten compacted down into a layer that's only about 1-2" deep.

At this point, we'd hauled the insulation up into the attic (thank goodness for the way it comes bagged now--we never would have gotten the old roll-style though the tiny attic door!). You can see the boards on the floor that have probably been up there since the house was built. Some are nailed down and some aren't. You can see on the left where we've installed some of the new insulation...on the right is still the old fill insulation.

The project took us about 9 hours over two days. Probably about 8 hours of actual time spent in the attic. Lots of cutting and figuring in some places, and making sure that the old wires (some of which don't go anywhere but might be live!) didn't get covered up.
End of day 1.

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