27 November 2007

well, then--pour me a harp!

We're getting a little frustrated with the community groups in our neighborhood. There are neighborhood associations and then there is a group supporting environmental concerns in the area. A lot of people are involved in a lawsuit with the environmental stuff, and nobody can talk about anything. Which makes it frustrating enough, but then when you throw in the fact that the groups don't seem to be talking to each other, or at least don't seem to care what the other is saying, then it gets even more frustrating.

There is a public hearing set by the Georgia EPD for December 11th concerning the permit renewal of a large industrial plant in our city. Supposedly this plant is also a Superfund site, although I can't seem to find anything online that supports that fact. Our neighborhood holiday party is set for the same date, but an hour later. The neighborhood association suggests that perhaps we could attend both events, due to the time difference, but the party is always on this date each year.

This indicates to me that getting a regifted gift and having some beer should be more important to me than the future possibility of having children with the incorrect number of appendages.

I thought we moved OUT of the suburbs?

1 comment:

Mykel Strong said...

What you don't want a nuclear family?

I thought my Homeowner Associations was funny, at least you get free beer and a regifted gift.