20 December 2007

global warming

So our camelia bush is finally covered in blooms and is gorgeous. So are our pansies and Johnny-jump-ups. And our Christmas cactus. And the Mexican heather. And the gardenia still throws a bloom out from time to time. And the phlox is blooming. And the jade plant. Oh, and so is the geranium...which was still outside until three days ago.

Did I mention it's WINTER...and in the 30s outside this week...?


Jen said...

Camillas are suppose to bloom in the cool weather...love it in the south....

Baby Mama said...

Shawn is right. We are slowly being hurled into the sun. Enjoy it now my friends!!!

Nolan said...

Guess I should have added that a few days before, it was in the 70s. And the geranium shouldn't be blooming next to the camelia!

Now my mom says if it's too cold, it will kill the blooms on the camelia. Our seasons are so screwed up now...global warming sucks!