11 December 2007

visit to home depot + not being cautious = tetanus shot

I worry about all kinds of stuff, but Brandon is the one who worries about cuts and scrapes, always washing and cleaning and disinfecting whenever he gets one. Me, I'm more of the throw some alcohol or peroxide on it once and move on.

As much as I hate to admit it, perhaps Brandon's method is the smarter one. When we were looking at rugs at Home Depot the other day, I reached up to pull one out of the way and caught my knuckle against the metal bar that holds the rugs in. A tiny scrape, but it was bleeding a little, so I rubbed some hand sanitizer over it and forgot about it til later. Okay, so I totally forgot about it, until I kept hitting it on stuff at work--book bins, books, desks--until it was sore. When I finally took a good look at it again on Sunday (a week after the scrape itself), it was red and sore.

Once I finally reach the point where I realize something is wrong, then I go into semi-panic mode. I'm going to die, it's infected, what if it gets into my bloodstream, etc. So off I go to the doctor's office, where after an hour and a half of waiting, I am at least satisfied by her grateful attitude that I didn't try to fix it myself and that I came in quickly...she even tells me a story about a recent patient with an infected hand that had to be sent immediately to the hospital for surgery because she had let it go so long. Ugh.

Long story short (or short story long?), I ended up with a tetanus shot (tetanus shot, didn't we meet just seven short years ago?) and a prescription for antibiotics, which she left up to me whether or not I want to take them or wait it out another day and see how it goes.

The tetanus shot has left me tired and achey and I would really, really love to curl up on the floor of my office and go to sleep right now like George from "Seinfeld."

1 comment:

Jen said...

I hate Home De-Pot....!! (and shots)