I haven't posted in days because I am finally recovering from an awful cold/virus/flu thing. I spent four days at home in bed with a fever and finally dragged myself to an urgent care center on Sunday for antibiotics and hope. Feeling better now, but still coughing a lot. Not sure what this thing was, but Brandon had it, as well as both my parents (think they got it from us--sorry!).
At any rate, Brandon has been keeping himself busy with his latest project--cleaning some old door knobs and door plates that we got from a neighboring house. They are remodeling (i.e., making everything new, not restoring) in order to sell or rent it. It's been sort of a halfway house until recently, so we're hoping that whoever moves in will be an improvement.
Brandon saw some old 5-panel doors on their front porch the other day

that looked as if they were being discarded. He left a note for the owners and the next day a lady called and said sure, we could have the doors. Little did we realize that they contained this little treasure--what appears to be original Eastlake style hardware! I think there are 8 plates in all, and six door knobs that match.
The house is older than ours, probably dating back to 1900 or so, and is a different style. The doors are massive compared to ours, so no hope of using them in our house, but Brandon is hoping to be able to use the knobs and plates in some doors we got from another lady in town a few months ago.
Once he gets them all finished, I'll post photos. They are really gorgeous and look to have been copper plated at one time, although most of it has worn off by now. More photos are