25 March 2008

deforestation as a positive force

Our back fence BEFORE photos (and yes, there is a fence in there somewhere).

Our back fence after many hours of sawing, chopping, and vine-pulling, not to mention a few run-ins with the poison ivy.


Sandy said...

Looks really nice!

Nolan said...

Thanks! The woooden fence is only temporarily up...we, um...attached it to the wire fence with cable/zip ties. ;)

Right now you can see the houses behind ours, but the lot directly behind us is actually just an empty lot and fenced on all sides. Once summer comes and all the trees fill in, it won't be too noticeable.

We cut down all the privet that was growing up through the fence, except for a few bits that had become too entangled and are now embedded in a hunk of tree.

Jen said...

We have poision ivy and privet all over our back yard....Along with Kudzu. Fun real fun...

Looks great. I know our neighbors talk about our yard. Probablly the whole town. It is a nightmare.