30 April 2008

vegetable and herb gardens

Two pepper plants and a grape tomato plant. They've grown since this photo and the tomato is starting to bloom.
Our raised vegetable beds. To the far left you can see a brick-lined bed where Brandon planted canteloupe, watermelon, crookneck squash, and zucchini. The raised bed on the left has tomatoes (Better Boy, Roma, and Rutgers) and basil planted in between. In the bed on the right, we planted radishes, carrots, lettuce, red onions, banana peppers, and bell peppers.

Our herb garden with garlic, oregano, lavender, thyme, sage, parsley, cilantro, and basil. This is where the old acuba shrub was that we dug out. We hope to put another bed farther down the walkway soon.
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Anonymous said...

I love the raised vegetable beds. Very nicely done.

Sandy said...

Everything looks SO nice!