04 September 2008

the condo

We've taken the plunge and relisted the condo for sale. You probably don't even remember that we still own the condo, or that we ever owned a condo, much less that we've been landlords for the most of the last year. Everytime I mention it, the standard response is, "You still own the condo?"

Sigh. Yes, we do.

While we have a great tenant living there currently, she's decided it's time she move on soon, and so we've decided to go ahead and list it for sale again. At almost exactly the same time that the air conditioning unit decided to die. So last night, we met both the a/c guy and the realtor at the same time. Both of them want lots of money from us! We may end up losing money on the condo sale, but we figure we're losing about $5k annually on it anyway, unfortunately.

I'll post a link to the listing once it goes up. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

Bungalow in the Hollow said...

Oh, that stinks!
I will be sending condo selling dust your way!