We won't know until January sometime if it's boys, girls, or one of each. We do plan to find out, though--just finding out it was twins was enough of a surprise for us!
We brought home two cribs this weekend. A friend has graciously offered to let us borrow them. One needs a little bit of repair (the mattress support has a broken slat under it) but I'm hoping that Brandon and my dad can make it secure (and maybe more secure than it was originally). If not, we'll have to keep looking. I'm not big on used cribs because I'm a safety nut, but there's the reality of twins and all the costs involved, so I'm trusting the menfolk on this one. Our friend also had a double stroller, so buying that used will save us a good bit as well.
I've started a baby blog, too, but don't want to post the link here. If you're interested, send me an email and I'll send you the link!