18 November 2008

stop the car!

You should know those words are most often followed (in our household, at least) by the words: "I think that was a ___ on the side of the road!" The blank can be filled in by anything from a Craftsman front door to a patio table (okay, so that's the same post). This time, however, it was this:
Yes, a mission style recliner! Don't tell my mother-in-law, but I had to help Brandon get it into the truck (after I sent him up to knock on the front door and ask if we could have it--it was actually on the sidewalk), although it wasn't very heavy, just big.
We got it home and into the shop, and Brandon spent Sunday washing and scrubbing it clean. It's in pretty good shape, made by Bassett, but just looks like it's been sitting in a garage for ages. The upholstery (which we hope to replace) is pretty faded, but the reclining part works. And it matches our loveseat pretty well, too.


Jennifer said...

awesome find! I'd stop the car, too!

Bungalow in the Hollow said...

That's nuts! How come I can't find these things on the side of the road, lol? Are these in our area?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....when those words fly out of my mouth..my husband hits the gas pedal! Much to my husband's dismay, I also knock on the door and ask if they are throwing it away and if I can have it. Those are good finds!