Well, actually, I am able to find my watch, but not much else. We moved in last Saturday, and haven't quite unpacked everything yet (<-- understatement). Before I say anything else, let me say a HUGE thank you to Spetz and Pete and Miguel. We honestly could not have done it without you guys. I thought we just needed help moving the bed, but how wrong I was. Even with the extra help, we started loading the truck at 10am, and didn't finish unloading it until around 5pm. The alarm guy came yesterday and installed the new alarm system. So far so good--fatboy Gecko the cat hasn't tripped the motion sensor, but we're still skeptical. They say it covers pets up to 40 lbs., and he's only at 17, but we'll see how it goes.

We finally started putting up curtains last night in our bedroom, but got too tired after the first one and just went to bed. We ended up buying pine dowels by the foot at Home Depot, since some of our windows are very wide. The LR window is actually a triple window, and needs a rod over 10' long. We're still trying to sort out which of our old curtains will fit where before we invest in anything new. We also found several sets of rather expensive looking ones at the dumpster last week, just sitting there next to it! The new set we got for the bedroom from IKEA is under debate right now...it might be too "busy" but I can't decide. Of course you know who thinks they are "busy"... ;)
Curtains aren't up yet in this photo, but you can see our temporary window coverings, which consist of the closet doors (which still haven't been reinstalled on their brackets) covered with curtains and towels.

The kitchen actually looks pretty good in this photo, as it was one of the few rooms that we unpacked immediately. It is totally covered in STUFF, however, which has made us painfully aware of just how much stuff we have.

Brandon bought that funky looking plant at IKEA. Make that a nameless, instructionless, TODAY'S SPECIAL type of funky plant. The leaves kept falling off, so I moved it to the front porch. The leaves stopped falling off, so I guess that was a good move.

It kind of amazes me how well our furniture fits the house. It fit the condo, too, but it was a different look there. The condo was more urban, I guess, but all that mid-century stuff we have looks really good in the house. Even sitting amongst all those boxes!
Found another rat skull yesterday. Ugh. Was loading the truck with all the debris we pulled out of the basement, and that Brandon had swept out from under the back porch. Think the rat skull was under the back porch. Did I say ugh already? This was after I'd already swept a dozen of the biggest, fattest, most disgusting SLUGS ever off of the lumber I was loading. Not to mention the centipede-looking things, and the roly-polies, the earthworms, and oh yeah, the baby crickets. The thought of the slugs still makes me feel queasy.
I'll post photos once I find the camera cord. Ha!
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