Google's newest addition to their
mapping product. I was trying to verify a patron zip code today and since I was in a hurry, I just typed it quickly into Google. If you haven't used Google for maps or directions, it's very simple--you just type the address into the Google search box. Alternately, you can click on "Maps" and go there directly. Today, something new popped up along with the address and map--something called "Street View" with a thumbnail photo. Curious, I clicked on it and immediately felt like I'd invaded someone's privacy. I then typed in my own address, and lo and behold, there I was staring at a photo of my own house
from the street. Freaky. You can click on the screen and rotate the view 360 degrees, as well as travel up and down the street. We think our picture is from the fall, because you can see pumpkins on our porch. If you look across the street, you can see our neighbor's trailer, and he moved away in December, so sometime between late September and early December, the Google car went down our street. Our cars are in the driveway, and our garbage can is out by the street, so we figure it must have been a Sunday afternoon. I repeat,
Read more about the how, why, and where
here. You can see a picture of the Google camera car, and see what they have to say about privacy concerns. I think it would be really useful in some situations, like house-hunting (especially in distant cities), going to a new doctor's office, and stalking. :)
Yes, creeped out here too, do not like it at all. I didn't like the satellite pictures that were started a few years ago! Yikes!
It's creepy... I can almost pick out the day, because my car is out for sale on the road and there are piles of dandilions and weeds all over the sidewalks from the day before I overseeded the lawn last fall. I'm just glad I had obviously gone in for a drink or something!
We've had a similar service in Israel for a couple of years now. I have to say, I find it very useful - I can see what a place looks like before I get to it, making it much easier to spot it when I'm at the place.
I can see the privacy concerns though.
We are about an hour from you guys and there is not even a good satellite pic of our house. I can see the lot and sorta if you squint, the roof of the house.
It is creepy however and I know one day the google car will be snapping pics down our street.
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