11 January 2008

gecko "the fearless" vs. the thing that lives in the walls

The cat and I look at each other from across the room, and then we both turn to stare at the dining room wall...from which we hear...scrabbling noises.

His tail gets puffy, as it does when he gets upset, and after a few seconds of listening, he takes off to under-the-bed land. Thanks, buddy.

I walk quietly towards the dining room. Finally, I am facing the front corner behind the chest of drawers and wine rack. Furious scrabbling noises are coming from what seems to be inside the wall. I peek cautiously under the chest. Whew, nothing in the room with me. I look back at the wall, where something is either trying to get in or out, or possibly build something. Sounds like twigs scraping wood or metal. The gutters? Could it be in the gutters?

Outside, I hear nothing. After a while, I figure the neighbors will think I'm weird if I continue to stand in the yard and stare at my house.

We've heard this once before. Not sure if it's living in the roof, the gutters, or--gulp--the wall. Either way, I'm not looking foward to evicting it, whatever it is.


Unknown said...

Our cats were fascinated by the scrabbling noise in the ceiling, but if we hear noises in the night they're off duty. Though once they both jumped up in the middle of the night, to warn us of a spider the size of a Yugo crawling across the floor (it had doubtless come up out of the basement).

A number of years ago one our cats caught a mouse, and the other cat ran around after her, but neither of them really seemed to know what to do with it. Jazmin eventually dropped it, and it took up residence in a shoe in the hallway. Until I pitched said shoe out the door until morning.

Sandy said...

One of my cats is my spider alarm. She is kitty-on-the-spot when it comes to seeing (or hearing) a spider. She will not leave you alone until you kill it!