This lamp was a Christmas gift from Brandon's parents. It is made by this company, whose name I refuse to type here for fear of the spam we might get in error. And it makes us giggle, because we are in 4th grade. :)
It's a pretty cool lamp because you can turn on the bottom as a nightlight, or turn on just the top, or both as shown in the photo.
Looks like the style is: 87-1354-F2 The Mission Frontier Table Lamp and can be found on their website under "Lighting." Most of their stuff is more woodsy (they use antlers in all of their decorating...) or just sort of weird.
I LOVE that lamp!
I am so in 4th grade, too. ~giggle~
That lamp is VERY neat. Great gift!
That 4th grade class is starting to get larger! ~snicker~
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